Monday, September 7, 2009

Why Now?

Why start this now with only four days left in the 2009 session?  Why not.

The lobbying world in Sacramento is a game without rules or referees where anything goes.  Lobbyists smile and nod at their colleagues and then slip a knife in their back the minute they're out of ear shot. 

I spent four years in the "Building," as lobbyists like to call the Capitol.  Then I got a terrific job with a firm handling an account in an area where I had experience and expertise.  I got along with the client, worked hard and thought I was well on my way in my new career.

Up jumped the devil or should I say up jumped another lobbyist, who promised the impossible.  My client bought it hook line and sinker, leaving my firm high and dry for the empty promises of a back stabbing, low life lobbyist.  I found out quickly the key to lobbying success is to be devoid of morals or integrity.

Do I sound bitter?  I am and this is my way of venting it.  Now that I'm unemployed and have plenty of time to write about the inner workings of the lobbying world.